(860) 595-5500 | Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm ET


Consumer and Commercial Debt Collection

Make a Payment

We are a small, powerful team that works with you to put your debts behind you.

Since 1982, Northeastern Credit Services has worked with tens of thousands of debtors to resolve their debts. We pride ourselves in treating each debtor with respect and dignity.

Our goal is to help find the best repayment option for you that helps put your debts behind you. Please contact one of our agents today to explore your repayment options.

We are a full-service debt collection agency and provide a full suite of consumer and commercial debt collection services to our clients.

  • Consumer Debt Collection
  • Commercial Debt Collection
  • Skiptracing and Asset Discovery
  • Asset Recovery Services
  • Litigation Claim Forwarding


Paying online is fast and convenient. You can pay online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Pay Now


Our agents are standing by to resolve your account. Please call our agents at (860) 595-5500 to pay by telephone.

(860) 595-5500


You can make a payment by mail at:

Northeastern Credit Services, Inc.
PO Box 765
Simsbury, CT 06070

Repayment Plans

We can offer flexible repayment options that will allow you when, how much, and how often you would like to play. Contact us to discuss your repayment plan options.

Settlement Offers

In some cases, you may be eligible for a discount for settling your account in one lump sum. Contact our agents to find out if you are eligible for a settlement offer.

Help is Here

We are committed to helping debtors find the best repayment option available to them. Contact one of our agents today to discuss your options.